The only way to understand Roulette is to understand where it came from. The old legend is that the Roulette wheel was invented by scientists who were looking to create a perpetual motion machine. That is: something that continually runs on its own energy and doesn’t need outside fuel or motion to keep working. You can only imagine what the creation of a perpetual motion machine would do for humanity: the perpetual motion would not only be the pinnacle of engineering, but the energy it created could be harvested for anything including factory work and eventually replacing our need for wood or fossil fuels to power the growth of society.
Sadly since this was back in the day when alchemy was as respected a profession as pharmacology, these scientists knew far less about the rules of the world that we do now. Thus, just like the quest to convert base metals into gold was eventually thwarted, the truth is that energy could neither be created or destroyed and the quest for a perpetual motion machine (one that creates energy to power itself) was given up as a bad job. The only good thing to come out of the quest is the Roulette wheel, which might be seen as the perpetual entertainment machine!